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Hello world

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This website is an attempt to structure information I have loaded into my head. The intended audience is myself or anyone with similar interests.

Who am I?

[mastdi@scratchy ~]$ whoami 

I will try to add a few more words on that.

My name is Martin Storgaard Dieu. I am married to Ruthe, and together we have two sons and a daughter. Most of my non-working time is allocated to play with and being involved in different activities with my family. When time allows, I try to expand my knowledge and develop my skill set. I believe in learning by doing, so I will create minor projects and document some of them here.

I have a wide set of interests regarding technology including cryptography1, data-intensive systems2, privacy, agile, automation, and documentation. I do expect to at some point my interest will be documented a bit here.

  1. My bachelor's thesis was focused on analysis and implementation of SHA-3/Keccak

  2. My master's thesis was focused on inventing a new algorithm to do density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise more efficient (theoretical and practical) than current algorithms.